Working With Your Physiology for Health, Fitness, and Sport Performance

An wholistic approach to improving females health at any stage of life through exercise physiology, exercise science and nutrition.

There isn't a special equation for improving health, each person is unique and so are the strategies to support them

Noella started playing rugby when she was 24yro. Playing at representative levels came soon after in 7s (NSW/Australia), 10s (NSW) and 15s (#155 NSW Womens Waratahs) formats. It was her personal experiences as a female athlete at the latter stages of her elite rugby career that became the driving motivation behind her educational and clinical work with females athletes today.

Noella brings 15 years of clinical experience, and 10 years of elite athlete experience to the forefront when working with athletes and those supporting female athletes. Shifting Health came to life through understanding the shift required to support the health needs of females, athlete and non-athlete, to maximise health, fitness and sporting performance.

What is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist?

Accredited Exercise Physiologists (AEPs) can utilise their skills in prescription to help with a range of different conditions. Combined with their training in behaviour change, they can assist you manage your health independently.



Pregnancy and Postpartum Screening and Exercise Programming

Did you know that just 10 minutes of exercise most days of the week can decrease the risk of preeclampsia and weight gain outside of healthy ranges?

Did you know regular physical activity during pregnancy and postpartum reduces the risk of developing depression?

Every pregnancy is different. Every delivery and postpartum experience is different.

There is a growing space of evidence-based research supporting the benefits of physical activity during pregnancy and the postpartum stages of life.

We work closely with your medical and other allied health professionals to develop an individualised physical activity program for you. The primary goal to help you and growing bub keep as healthy as possible during this stage of life and the next.

All consultations and programs are at Selph Health Studios in Rosebery.

Female Athlete Health and Wellness Coaching

Regardless of age and the arena in which you compete, when it comes to performing well, it's important to consider the whole picture of what contributes to your health, fitness, and performance.

Every athlete is different: training load, recovery, diet, work, study, menstrual cycle, hormonal contraceptives, to name a few.

It's a balancing act that, when we don't get it right, can lead to burnout, injury, and illness—time away from training and competing.

At Shifting Health, we provide health and wellness coaching that compliments your current training program and goals, making sure you are maximising your potential in every training session and limiting time spent sick, injured, or on the sidelines. 

Consultations can be done face-to-face or online.


Sports Nutrition/General Nutrition Coaching

Nutrition is a key foundation of health and wellbeing helping to provide energy to all systems throughout the body for optimal function. Understanding that every person is unique in what they do and how their body expends energy. When there is a mismatch in the body's energy demands and the energy coming in through food, we see an increased risk of injury, illness and disease. This service is for clients looking to improve their health and wellbeing through nutrition.

Consultations available face-to-face, online or at Selph Health Studios in Rosebery.

Current nutritional support can be provided for:

  • Weight loss
  • Improving energy levels
  • Improving health
  • Reducing risk of injury and illness
  • Improving physical activity or sporting performance
Food on table