
Initial consultations (60min) $167

Subsequent consultations (45min) $130

Female Athlete Workshops|Staff Education start at $605


All services are available in person at Selph Health Studios in Rosebery, NSW. Please visit Exercise Physiology | Selph Health Studios | Rosebery, Sydney

Medicare and private health rebates available at Selph - check with your private health if you are covered for Exercise Physiology Services. For Medicare, you require a referral from your GP.

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Pregnancy & Postpartum

A pregnancy initial assessment is a comprehensive prescreen of family history, previous and current health, current lifestyle, understanding the individual’s pregnancy (pregnancy history) and support systems. Your baby and your health in paramount during pregnancy so when it
comes to physical activity, there are two approaches:

● For those physically active - we aim to keep clients moving well and progressively deloading as pregnancy progresses
● For those not accustomed to physical activity - it’s about finding what they enjoy, and safely increasing strength, heart and lung function.

The variation with postpartum services is reviewing your birth, screening for postnatal depression and assessing when you can start specific physical activity as directed by your GP/OB/Gynae, and Pelvic Physio (if indicated).

One-on-one exercise sessions, take-home programs and group exercise classes (10-12 sessions per block) are available. Ask your AEP for details.

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We appreciate each person requires different levels of support when it comes to nutrition so we offer two varieties of service: 

Nutrition Plan Options

  • Reboot Nutrition Package: A more structured approach, planning nutrition for every meal over a span of 8 weeks. This comprehensive 8-week program is $590 inclusive of 3 consultations, a plan and regular check-ins. This plan is designed for individuals looking for a more guided approach with continuous support throughout the process (save $100).
  • Flexible Nutrition Plan: Provides guidance and numbers to work with, enabling you to have a sense of control and choice over your meals. This option is suitable for individuals who prefer a more autonomous approach to their nutrition. 

Once you book your consultation, our Nationally Recognised Nutritionist will conduct a 5 minute discovery call to understand the why you are booking in. Prescreening documents (RSST/Client Questionnaire) will be completed during your initial consultation to help our Nutritionist understand your current health status, family history and health goals. During your initial consultation, your current status and recommendations will be discussed as well as developing the best nutritional plan to set you up for the best outcomes. 

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Female Athlete

Prescreening documents (menstrual profile/LEAF-Q) will be completed during your initial consultation to help our AEP understand your current health status, family history, diet, training load, menstrual profile and sporting goals. During your initial consultation, your current status and recommendations to maximise health and sporting outcomes. This review will include how to implement key strategies around training and recovery. A nutritional review can be added to this service as an extended consultation. 


Female Athlete Workshops

We deliver specialist group education sessions to sporting groups, schools, the workplace, and other allied health professionals (continuing education) related to female athlete health and wellbeing. Key topics covered:

  • Menstrual cycle profile
  • Sports bra education
  • Nutrition
  • Pelvic floor in sports

Topics and content can be tailored to your group.